Let’s share this gift of yoga and transform society bringing the whole world together. These unique trainings are like non-other. Advanced trainings led through story-telling combined with scientific studies. A music and voice empowerment school led with love. All in the comfort of your own home.

Bhakti Yoga is known as the Yoga path of Devotion and surrender. It is commonly practiced through singing and chanting. Bhakti yoga encompasses any activity that cultivates absorption- ‘Samavesha’. Absorption is the ability to diffuse the identity into a moment, moving towards Samadhi. Bhakti is the practice of getting used to the feeling of progressively higher levels of absorption into reality, often practiced through prayer, music, dance or any other activity which promotes dissolution.

Whether you are looking to deepen your own practice or advance your teaching skills, the Bhakti Academy will inspire your practice and distinguish you as a Bhakti Yoga teacher. Expand your heart, build your confidence and knowledge in advanced elements of yoga, Specializing in Bhakti, Prema-Kirtan, harmonium playing, leading chanting and Kirtan, Voice Empowerment and teaching Audrey’s signature BhaktiFlow classes. 

“One hundred years from now people will acknowledge yoga as the greatest gift from India.”

- Krishnamacharya

Audrey Sarquilla

Her early years in pre-med, Behavioral sciences, Hypnotherapy and bodywork modalities set the stage for Yearning for More Spiritual insight. Teaching yoga for the past 17 years she is grateful to her many teachers for Awakening her on the Yogic Path. Audrey’s Classes are filled with heart, full of philosophical gems of understanding and awareness, expressed with humor, love and humility.

Audrey guides yoga Classes, Kirtans and women’s circles as a form of self-discovery and empowerment rooted in many traditions including Western Traditional Mysteries, Ashtanga, Bhakti and Tantra yogas.

Audrey Created, owned and Operated a yoga studio for several years in Encinitas, California where her heart and home will always reside even during all of her travels and living abroad.

Audrey is an international yoga teacher hosting workshops, retreats and trainings in the United States, India, Costa Rica, Italy and Bali.